Monday, 1 October 2012

Oil and Gas Jobs – Drill into a Career with Prospects

Oil and gas jobs can be fast paced, high paying careers. From drilling jobs to energy careers, natural gas jobs to jobs in the oil industry, there are positions for men and women alike, all of which pay top dollar for the best, the brightest and the hardest workers. Whether you have a high school diploma, possess a college degree or are in the middle of a career transition, the oil and natural gas industry needs you. There is no better time to join this industry than right now. Increasing demand for energy and current employees nearing retirement has created an unprecedented opportunity. One out of four current engineers, geoscientists, multi-skilled maintenance professionals, process and production operators, and health and safety professionals are currently eligible for retirement. There are many opportunities to advance to other exciting, challenging, and responsible positions.
These particular jobs start at the rigs that pump the crude to the refineries that process it. Natural gas is another resource that also has its own processes, and all of which requires transport to distribution sites. Employment in the oil industry and gas industry can be easily found by taking advantage of the many job locators available online.
If you're interested in the oil and gas industry, there are plenty of positions available in the field. However, it is also very important to know just what each position entails in order to pick the one that is best for you. Here are some of the different oil and gas jobs available that you may want to consider:
A derrickman works on an oilrig to help repair pipes, take down a new rig, or set up a new rig, and is typically the second or third person in command. A Drilling Engineer, or driller, is the person responsible for the whole gas or oil operation. Some of their job tasks may include estimating costs, designing the plan, and overseeing the entire process. A drilling engineer holds a highly skilled position that typically requires an advanced degree. A roughneck position is a very physical job. They work directly with the production of oil by cleaning up spills, fixing pipes, and performing other mechanical related tasks. A roustabout is a lesser skilled position that involves plenty of manual labor and is an excellent starting job. To learn more about oil and gas jobs and careers, be sure you do your research to find the best position for you by taking a look at the links available all over the web.
Begin your search with overview information on the pay scales, types of work and job details for oil and gas jobs. If the position you are interested in is labor intensive and takes you away from home that they pay is worth the effort, and vice versa if the position is highly technical and requires a great deal education that you are equally compensated.
Needless to say this industry is a global market, and these jobs are available worldwide. If you have no particular home ties, or the money is that lucrative, consider a career abroad. Take advantage of the many online jobs posting sites available. Post your resume, and start applying for oil and gas jobs today.

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